3 Prayers For A Wayward Spouse (Husband or Wife)

3 Prayers For A Wayward Spouse (Husband or Wife) November 25, 2015

Here are three prayers you can pray for your husband or wife that has turned away from God.

Prayers for the Memories

Great God in heaven, when our relationships with our spouses are in trouble, it seems that it is too much of a burden to bear alone. I would ask You God to help me endure this time of trouble with my spouse. I can easily think of things that I did wrong and failed to do something I should have done. Please forgive me for these sins. I have confessed my faults to my spouse and asked for their forgiveness, yet they are still not receiving it. Oh God, my heart is breaking for my beloved, please bring to their mind the times and circumstances that brought us both together, how we grew to love one another, and made marvelous plans for the future, but it all seems so far away now. Please God, bring these precious memories back to them in the hopes that we can be reconciled, one with another, and for the glory of the name I pray in, Jesus Christ, amen.


Prayers for Renewal

Father, Your Word says that You control the heart of the king and direct it in the way that pleases You (Prov 21:1) so I am asking You to revive our hearts as a couple. Please help me to know how to rekindle that ember into a fire again and once again burn in desiring one another again. I know that I have not always been the most loving and I have neglected to be thankful to my spouse for all they do and for that I repent and ask for Your and their forgiveness. I know that only You can revive the broken hearted, only You can restore the shattered lives, and only You can renew the human heart and guide it to whatever purpose You desire, so please work in my heart and in my spouse’s heart so our marriage can be renewed so that we can come back together again and praise You for the all of the marvelous things You do and in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Prayers for Forgiveness

Great God in heaven, I know that only You can grant repentance (2 Tim 2:25) and so I am asking my spouse for their forgiveness in the hopes that our marriage might be restored again. I am so troubled God by what is happening in our relationship. I know I am responsible for making a lot of mistakes and doing things that I knew were wrong but I have asked for Your forgiveness and for their forgiveness but the silence is deafening. It grieves my heart to know that our relationship might be over. God please help them to know how much You have forgiven them and me…to see Your forgiveness as infinitely greater than any human could ever extend to another. It was infinitely costly too…so please help us to be restored again as one flesh and one in unity and by the strong name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.


Prayers are never a waste of time and marriage partners that pray together might have a better chance of staying together than couples that do not. Marriage is not a 50/50 proposition. It is based upon the foundation of love and love is not just a feeling; it is far greater than that. Love is a verb…it is what you do!

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book Teaching Children the Gospel available on Amazon

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