Love Letter 18

Love Letter 18 September 20, 2014

You are positively delicious, electrifying, and I love you. The passion within you stirs the passion in anyone who gets close enough to be lit up. Just look at your son, my God, what you see there is the result of sustained time in your presence. He doesn’t just live life, he wraps both arms around it and screams, “What’s next!” as though no moment of this gorgeous life should be wasted. Who do we suppose drew that out of him? It doesn’t happen by accident you know – even if they’re primed by genetics, or karma, or whatever, children still need something to keep that fire lit – your passion for everything  does that. That passion overflows you and connects to everyone and everything around you – you even found a place in your heart to love snakes? (I think that makes you a four year old’s dream mom.)  You’ve found a place in your heart for me and for my beloved, reaching towards us with that gorgeous, unbridled desire to be 2 or 3 or 4, or 100 or 1000, but not lonely. Wow, I think I just got it; I just figured out that your passion to connect can’t be confined to one continent. No wonder it takes a whole wall to map the places you’ve seen and loved. It’s stunning and it’s beautiful to behold; it’s like you want to be in love with the whole world. Damn, I wish the whole world would love you back – mostly we haven’t learned how and when you meet with that reality with the same passion that lights your life, I can see the life drain out of you. All I want to do is find some way to touch you, some word, some smile, some gift that comes from me loving you back, so that the loneliness abates, even if just for a time. Beautiful heart, beautiful sweet heart, I’m just learning to love. Maybe if I loved better I could do that. I think there are people who can. Tell you what, I’ll keep at it because I want to love the whole world too. I haven’t got there yet, not the whole world, but I do most certainly love you. Who knew that would happen? Gives me joyful pause to think we live in a world that can hand you such a gift when you aren’t even expecting it. There’s hope in that. Love you,


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