Okay, so I copped a bit of scripture from Isaiah for the blog title. But it kind of fits. Although my blog is the same content-wise, it’s now hosted, as of today, on Patheos. I’ve been working with Deborah Arca, the Progressive Christian editor at Patheos, for a couple of week on the move, and we finally made it happen today.
In theory, if you’re a subscriber to my blog by way of my website, you should still get the notices about new posts. You’ll just jump to this link instead of the one on my site to read the content. Same goes (we hope) for subscribers on NetworkedBlogs on Facebook.
So why move? After all, I just had a groovy new website built, right? One obvious reason is that Patheos is one of the biggest interfaith websites in the world. After only a few years in existence, they’ve become a cultural force in the ongoing discussion about matters of faith. So obviously, I have the chance to reach a much bigger audience this way.
Second, I find the idea of being part of a larger community of writers appealing. Writing is inherently a solitary practice, so to be housed in a space where so many different experiences and perspectives can be found had some definite appeal.
The good news is that my entire five-year archive of blog posts are still available, thanks to the Patheos technical team’s ability to migrate it all over. and if you visit my personal website and click on the BLOG tab, it will just jump you right over here.
So you may notice the blog header has changed to reflect the themes of faith, family and parenting which are central to my work as a writer. And there are some ads running along the right sidebar there, but there are some pluses for my readers too. Take some time to check out the other writers of varying faith backgrounds here at Patheos. Personally, I think it’s pretty cool to be writing at the same site where Brian McLaren has a column.
Anyway, thanks for hanging in there with me, and for checking out the new format and location. Take a look around and be sure to let me know what you think. Oh, and stay tuned for news soon to come on a column I’ll be starting with Patheos too, which is tentatively called “Who’s Your Daddy?” Guessing you can figure out what that might be about.
Christian Piatt