Advent Blog Challenge & Free Gift

Advent Blog Challenge & Free Gift December 6, 2011

As most of you know, I have my blog hosted at Patheos, a wonderful interfaith site for thinkers, writers, readers and activists to come together and wrestle with any number of faith-related topics. Recently, Deb Arca (our Progressive Christian Portal editor) and Tony Jones (a noted blogger for the same section) invited several of us to take part in an Advent blogger challenge. We had 100 words or less in which to respond to the question:

Is God coming?

Following is my response in poetry, excerpted from a larger piece I wrote, called an Improvised Faith. Thanks to Tony Jones for featuring my response on his blog today.

Incidentally, if you like the piece, you can find my entire e-book of spoken word poems, along with an album of recorded poetry pieces I did along with a jazz ensemble, by clicking here. The downloads are both free, and any donation offered in return for the downloads from now through the end of the year will go entirely toward Week of Compassion, the international relief arm of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Everything could be in this
harmony of moments,
nothing being until it already is,
then was,
then gone,
improvised impulse
convulsing in conversation that never ends.

We call, respond, swell and surge,
with urges too deep to claim as
only ours.

We jump into nothing,
led only by a sense of the next,
the context of reflexive faith
is one that chases toward
but never reaches.

Faith teaches those who listen—
begs for refrain.

The pain of birth into new life is loss,
the cost of which is death to this life,
resurrected only by Love.

So now, I present the same challenge to you, my fellow readers and friends. Please post your responses to the question, “Is God Coming?” in 100 words or less in the comments section of this post, and I’ll share some of them soon in a new post.

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