I don’t usually post other people’s work on my own blog. But this conversation about “Why Young Adults Quit Church” has become much, much bigger than my handful of articles I wrote to add my two cents. In addition to media in the Midwest and even Australia picking up on them, other writers are beginning to respond to the original posts, adding their own ideas to the mix.
To me, that’s when conversations like this get interesting.
I got a link from a blogger named Zukey Jones with his reflections after reading my articles, and I thought his piece was worth holding up alongside the original posts of mine to consider together. So here’s his entire piece below, and you can check out this and other posts on his blog by clicking his name above.
One thing I think is interesting about his approach is how it reflects the sentiments of the makers of the upcoming Blue Like Jazz movie, who assert that, in order for Christianity to move forward, some healing, humility, apology and forgiveness need to take place.
Maybe this is one hopeful step in that direction.
With Apologies
By Zukey Jones
- Assuming that the only way to live a faithful life is the way that I do it, within the confines of a congregation like mine.
- Deceiving myself and others about the real reasons for evangelism. When I am honest with myself my evangelism has a lot to do with recruiting people to share the burden of ministry with their time, talent and treasures.
- Using the metrics of business to evaluate the success of our programs as if the effectiveness of ministry can be determined by numbers, charts and graphs.
- Believing that the one-size-fits-all model of spirituality and piety was ever a real thing that could be attained with enough training or persuasion.
- Being oblivious to the deeper concerns of your life that peek out at the edges of our conversations.
- Engaging so much of what is happening in our culture and our world on a doctrinal level and not as a matter of faith that is sometimes messy and unsure.
- Participating in a church culture in which any kind of doubt is viewed as suspect and hiding my own struggles with faith behind a veneer of certainty.
- Being slow and unresponsive to the need for change because it’s easier to follow the path of least resistance (and there is tremendous resistance to the changes we are faced with).
- Getting so overwhelmed by the programs, meetings and all of the minutiae of sustaining a congregation that I don’t have the creative energy to explore new ways of being the church together.
- As I look over this list I ask myself why I don’t do something about these things. I’m trying. I really am. But I’m finding that it isn’t as easy as just deciding to change. Well, maybe it is but I don’t really want to change. That’s what I’m trying to figure out.
The changes that are required of the church and its leadership as a result of the shifting culture around us mean there is a lot at stake. But I’m told that if I cling to this life I will lose it. So as we head into Holy Week I want to explore each one of these ways that I have missed the mark. I want to explain some of the complexities and quandaries that I sense to see how well they hold up. And I hope that by doing this those who have been hurt or forced into exile by me and other church communities/leaders will find the grace to forgive so that we can work together in one common Spirit.