Homebrewed Culture, Ep. #2: Billy Graham, Craig Detweiler, Church Signs

Homebrewed Culture, Ep. #2: Billy Graham, Craig Detweiler, Church Signs August 14, 2012

Happy to say we got a second episode up and running without getting cancelled. I think that’s quite an accomplishment, considering Jordan Green and I are at the helm.

In this week’s Homebrewed Culture podcast, we talk with author and professor Craig Detweiler, whose upcoming book, Don’t Stop Believin,’ looks at media icons of the past few decades in the context of the intersection of faith and pop culture. We learn why Quentin Tarantino and Salman Rushdie made the list, while Seinfeld, Nirvana and Friends we’re ignominiously snubbed.

Seriously, it’s a great talk. Craig’s as sharp as they come.

Then we dive into the latest stir around Billy Graham and a letter that appeared recently on his website, pointing to the moral backslide he sees our culture in at the moment, and we talk about whether there are other hands and agendas at work behind the scenes in Rev. Graham’s ministry, or if he is, in fact, changing course late in his life.

And of course, no episode would be complete without a look at some ever-so-charming church sign epic fails.

Check out the show here, let us know what you think of the first two episodes so far, and keep an eye out for our soon-to-come subscription feed so you’ll be sure not to miss a minute of what might just be your new favorite podcast.

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