Over the weekend, our friend Phil Snider had the unexpected pleasure of going viral. Not him personally, really, but a video he appeared in this past August snatched more than 2.5 million views after Gawker picked it up. Phil is a Disciples of Christ pastor in Springfield, MO, and he was speaking on behalf of LGBT rights at a local city council meeting. What he said and how he said it were nothing short of remarkable.
Christian Piatt and Jordan Green were fortunate to get a chance to sit down and chat with him on the most recent episode of the Homebrewed Christianity CultureCast…especially since it was before all the big major media folks got a chance to! We’ve included an audio stream of Phil’s speech in the podcast so you can hear it for yourself.
We also talked over some theology in the context of the Lance Armstrong scandal, and how he relates in some ways to Mars Hill Pastor Mark Driscoll. We toss out some TV recommendations and cap it all off with some Church Sign Epic Fails.