Christian Piatt and Jordan Green sat down around a mic with author Donald Miller, best known for his faith memoir, Blue Like Jazz. They talk about why Miller voted twice for Barack Obama, even though he’s a Paul Ryan fan (wha?!), how the movie studio Pixar saved Apple and why narrative is the lifeblood of people, communities and businesses alike.
Don reveals much about his upcoming book, talks about what he’s doing with his Storyline Conference and spars with Jordan and Christian on what it takes to be a truly great writer. Hang onto your MP3 players, kids, ’cause this is one conversation you won’t want to miss.
And because of the great dialogue, we’ve extended the interview to take up most of the show. We’ll have more from the Echo Chamber, Christian Cliches and other segments next time, but for now, enjoy this face-to-face writer smackdown with three dudes elbow-deep in the business.
It’s kinda like “Inside the Actors’ Studio,” but with nerds.