Patheos CEO Leo Brunnick, Dental Drama & Playing Doctor (HBCultureCast)

Patheos CEO Leo Brunnick, Dental Drama & Playing Doctor (HBCultureCast) May 31, 2013

PC_LeoBrunnick_bioThis week we settle in with Patheos co-founder and CEO, Leo Brunnick to talk about how one goes about taking an idea sketched on a cocktail napkin to being one of the biggest interfaith websites in the world. Sadly, we got no leads on magic words or fairy dust; just lots of hard work and good fortune. Dammit!

In the echo chamber we talk about which countries are looked upon most and least favorably worldwide. The highest esteem country will probably surprise you (and no, it’s not the US). We also dissect the irrational drama behing the Portland water fluoridation debate, and we make some recommendations of the music you should have in your summer rotation.

We finish the show with Amy giving Christian a shot in the ass – literally. She’s pretty dramatic about the whole thing, but we’re pretty sure she mostly enjoyed getting to get even with Christian for all the shit he gives her, both on and off the air.

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