Jesus, Don’t Let Me Die Before I’ve Had Sex

Jesus, Don’t Let Me Die Before I’ve Had Sex May 29, 2013

I wrote a piece recently about the Christian challenges of what I call “marriage worship,” in which we focus so intensely on getting kids married before they have sex that we neglect necessary education and discourse about healthy emotional, spiritual and physical sexual expression.

Though lots of people seemed to really appreciate the perspective in my post, several responded with a sort of, “So, what DO we do?” comment. Well, it just so happens that there is a movie in the works to take on this very topic.

It’s not every day I see a project and think, “Man I really wish I was a part of that!” but this is one of those. It’s a critically important subject, and if handled with the kind of intelligence and honesty that it looks like they’re employing, it could be really great.

You can check out more about the film and how you can help it through the final stages of production by visiting

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