Church Sign Epic Fails, “Take That, Westboro” Edition

Church Sign Epic Fails, “Take That, Westboro” Edition August 4, 2013

For those who have asked me what my brand of “third way” nonviolent engagement for justice looks like…this one’s for you.

This would explain why I have yet, in my 41 years, to successfully keep a piece of corn in those damn produce bags at the store. Thanks a lot, God.
And, if you get to close to another person with corduroy on, it’s a fire hazard.
I’ll leave it to you to decide which one you’d rather go bowling with.
The good news is that those people lacking humility are totally cool walking around with nothing on. Yaknow, on account of already being awesome.
Everything about this makes me want to go inside this church.
Ahh, the good old fashioned worship, where we pick all the good bible verse and leave all that stuff about universal love and grace out…lest you get confused.


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