Excited to share the cover of my upcoming book with Jericho Books, called postChristian: What’s Left? Can We Fix It? Do We Care?. The book comes out in hardback August 2014, and following is the working blurb from the Jericho site:
Christian Piatt had a Bible (literally) thrown at him when he was kicked out of his youth group for asking too many questions about God, about Jesus, and about the Christian faith that he would end up running from for much of his life. He’s not alone: today, more people than ever before are defecting from religion, citing years of hypocrisy and abuse. Having painstakingly regained his faith–but on his own terms–Piatt is the best possible person to reconcile what Christianity claims to be, with what it’s intended to be.
In postChristian, Piatt demonstrates how we can take the “Christian vices” inherent in our religion–such as pride, unquestioning certainty, and judgment–and transform them into “Christian virtues”–humility, faith, and mercy–in both sermon and practice. He demonstrates that it’s not just the “sinner” who needs redemption, but Christianity itself–and redemption is only possible once we start admitting that we are both faithful and also flawed. With searing honesty and razor sharp wit, Piatt shows us that it’s not always what you believe that matters most to the world, but how you live your beliefs out.
To keep up with news about this book’s release, or to request a review copy, follow updates at Jericho’s site HERE, or email me at cpiatt (at) christianpiatt (dot) com.
Following is the working Table of Contents for the book (subject to change, of course):
Chapter One: Lions and Lambs
Seeking peace with those we hate to love
Chapter Two: The Gospel According to Kerouac
The Journey Itself is the Point
Chapter Three: Then Comes the Fall
The Christian Scandal of Pride
Chapter Four: Speaking Silently
The Christ-like Virtue of Humility
Chapter Five: House of Cards
The Christian Scandal of Certainty
Chapter Six: Life On a Flat Planet
The Christ-like Virtue of Faith
Chapter Seven: From Breast to Cross
The Christian Scandal of Lust
Chapter Eight: Re-Membering
The Christ-like Virtue of Love
Chapter Nine: A Gambler’s Empire
The Christian Scandal of Greed
Chapter Ten: Hungry as Dogs
The Christ-like Virtue of Charity
Chapter Eleven: Razing Hell
The Christian Scandal of Judgment
Chapter Twelve: Ninja Jesus
The Christ-like Virtue of Mercy
Chapter Thirteen: Millions in the Hands of an Angry God
The Christian Scandal of Fear
Chapter Fourteen: Carrying Each Other
The Christ-like Virtue of Courage
Chapter Fifteen: Tyranny of the Un-possessed
The Christian Scandal of Envy
Chapter Sixteen: What Love Births
The Christ-like Virtue of Justice
Chapter Seventeen: Which Side of History?
What’s left? Can we fix it? Do we care?