Art > Religion? Plus Biometrics, Bowls and Bieber

Art > Religion? Plus Biometrics, Bowls and Bieber January 28, 2014

We’re packing in the content this week. Our first guest is a musical duo,Bettman and Halpin, from out of Denver. They did a gig recently with Christian on his trip to Colorado and the three of them hit it off. Check out clips from their new album, “Diamond,” and hear their thoughts on how art and music help heal some divisions where organized religions sometimes fall short.

We also welcome Mike Collins, our professional hacker and resident tech advisor, who explains why biometric security (fingerprints, retinal scans, etc.) may be a raw deal for consumers. Great, now I have to go get a whole new set of fingers!

In the echo chamber, we chat up the realities and implications of screen addiction, who will win the Super Bowl and why Justin Bieber is acting like a five-year-old lately. And we wrap up the show with not one, but TWO fears of the week. Philip, our new page, shares his father’s fear that Jess the intern and the great Pacific Northwest are feminizing him beyond repair, and Christian shares some factoids that will inspire you never to touch your own eyes ever again.

And a big shout-out to this episode’s sponsors:

Slow Church Conference is coming to Indianapolis April 3-5 and has a host of awesome speakers lined up. Take advantage of the $99 early bird registration before January 31st.

Week of Compassion is a fantastic new sponsor that put feet and relief on the ground all over the world where there are urgent needs and disasters requiring aid. On average, Week of Compassion helps address a new urgent need every other day of the year. Check them out!

Want to learn more about becoming a CultureCast sponsor?  Email Christian (cpiatt at christianpiatt dot com) for the deets.

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