This week, we welcome Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler, author and illustrator, respectively, of the book, “God is Disappointed in You.” If you’ve ever found it tedious to plow through all 66 books of the Bible, this humorously irreverent digest is a great starting point. It’s worth it, if for nothing other than the circumcision cartoon.
We’re also introducing a new segment called “Bourbon Corner,” where Christian Piatt and Patrick Don Vito break down all things bourbon: this week’s featured bourbon is the deliciously affordably Old Forester.
In the Echo Chamber, Amy mourns the thrashing of her beloved Denver Broncos, and we all reflect on the tragic loss of Philip Seymour Hoffman. We break down the “Macklemore Grammy Weddings,” and we serve up some tasty recommendations – and by tasty, I mean a great book and groovy film. Don’t really eat them.
Oh. and thanks to Andy Campbell for sitting in while Jordan was away this week. And thanks for bringing your fantastic beard with you, you sexy, hirsute little devil, you.
Mad props to our sponsors, Slow Church Conference and Week of Compassion. Slow Church Conference has extended their $99 Early Bird rate till Feb 6th, and they added a student rate as well. Week of Compassion takes on aid for a new disaster somewhere in the world on average of every other day of the year. Plus, about 95 cents of every dollar donated goes to direct aid.