The Supreme Court’s Assault on Democracy

The Supreme Court’s Assault on Democracy April 17, 2014

 On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court ruled in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that corporations are persons, bestowing them with the same rights and privileges. Recently, the court lifted the ban on aggregate campaign donations allowing people (human beings or corporations) to donate to an unlimited number of political candidates.

Corporations require humans to run their daily operations and oversee decision-making.  Corporations lack the capacity for autonomous self-governance.  Those that control corporations have their own voice, their own personal agendas and now hold the personhood of the corporation.  In short – this decision reduces the power and voice of the poor while increasing the influence of the rich on public policy and elections.   This is concerning considering the chasm between the two continues to grow wider.


Read more about my thoughts on this, including why this is a matter of justice. What are your thoughts?  Are corporations people?  Do you have concerns about the impact this could have on policy making or elections

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