Yes, we’re late on getting this post-Easter show out. Whaddaya want, your money back?
As we try to recover from our collective post-Easter hangovers, the topics range from stomach-turning in the gross sense to stomach turning in the scary sense. Nothing like variety!
Andy quizzes the CultureCast team on the best way to remove a dead whale from the beach, and then they move on to such savory topics as sex scandals within the Biblical Patriarchy (aka, Quiverfull) movement. You mean that when you repress people sexually and deprive women of autonomy, something could go wrong? Shocking!
We also take on the recent anti-semitic brouhaha in Ukraine, along with all the cities that will soon be underwater, apps to be afraid of and top it all off with a seventies black punk band called “Death.”
Just your average day in the peanut gallery with the CultureCast nerds.
Take a listen here…