Darwin was pretty certain, what with the huge body of evidence behind him, he’d win the arm wrestling contest for sure. But then Jesus pulled that “Over the Top” move and BAM, totally kicked his ass.
Sorry, millions of years of evidence.
Consider that scientist’s mind blown. But in the spirit of full disclosure, he still hasn’t gotten God to explain the platypus.
That’s right! And, yaknow, experts built this sign…and the church behind it…so take it all with a grain of salt.
yeah this is just an awesome sign I decided to include. Not all church sign folks are numbskulls.
Does that include my $50,000 debt to Guido? and will you tell him? Cause his brass knuckles and menacing tone really intimidate me.
Pandering cultural relevance fail alert.
certainly no mixed messages here. Oh, and I’m sure there’s nothing problematic about conflating God’s blessing with buying souvenirs in their gift shop. Why are people leaving the church in record numbers again?
This response is as brilliant as the original sign is sad.
Christian Piatt is the author of “ postChristian: What’s Left? Can we fix it? Do we care? ” and a blogger on the Patheos Progressive Christian channel . For more information about Christian, visit www.christianpiatt.com , or find him on Twitter or Facebook .