BHC21 LIVE EVENT! February 15, 2015

Homebrewed CultureCast LogoTNT-150x150A couple weeks ago, I was at the Christianity21 Conference in Phoenix, AZ (or C21)– a conference that brings together Christian voices to share 21 big ideas in 21 minutes each. Homebrewed Christianity organized a live podcast called BHC21 Live Event, bringing together TNT (Theology Nerd Throwdown) and Culture-Cast.

It’s a lively podcast to say the least. You can learn a bit of the history and purpose of the podcasts and that Amy’s biggest fear is that she will run out of fears. There are games and wonderful conversation with special guests: Victoria Peterson Helleque, Brian McLaren, Zach Lind and Tim Burnette.

So grab a pint and listen in.



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