October 27, 2015

Just when you think you’ve heard it all… Damon Perry and Christopher Paquin decided to hole up and binge watch a season of the Zombie TV hit “Walking Dead” together and throw back some beers. All was well until, according the Papery, his friend started turning into a zombie and attacking him. Then he did what any sensible zombie fighter would do; he beat Paquin to death with a guitar and a microwave. Cue the blame game. Yes, “Walking Dead”... Read more

October 23, 2015

It took a few weeks for her to feel ready, but Amy finally opened up about the group of protesters that showed up outside our church a while back. They brought all the requisite “burn in hell” signs, disrupted worship, and even prayed for God to kill her and to send our kids to hell. And I gotta tell you, Amy’s a better Christian than I by a long shot; you’ve got to hear how she responded and what happened... Read more

October 15, 2015

Here’s a sample excerpt from the book I’m working on, called “Not That Kind of Christian: Loving God Without Being an A**hole.” If you like it, please visit the project page and support however you can. Pre-order your copy, share with friends and do your part to support independent publishing and the cultivation of a more human/humane expression of faith! When I was seventeen years old, I had a Bible thrown at my head and I was invited not to... Read more

October 11, 2015

We welcomed a good friend and colleague to Portland for a recent live CultureCast. Eric Elnes came to the Lucky Lab for a pint and to talk with us about his new book, “Gifts of the Dark Wood.” It’s a spiritual guidebook for what he calls “Soulful Skeptics.” I’m not sure, but I think it’s named after that little known son of Christopher Hitchens who used to be a dancer on Solid Gold. No? Well, anyhoo… One of the best... Read more

October 8, 2015

Our national defense budget is between five and six times more than any other country on the planet. What we spend on our military eclipses that of other top six countries combined according to some reports. According to others, we outspend the other top ten nations.* And yet we have gaping vulnerabilities. We have enough guns to arms every man, woman and child on our entire country. And yet, lone gunmen still attack us, and someone is a fatal victim... Read more

October 5, 2015

There’s little in this world that gets me going more aggressively and quickly in life than someone yelling at or denigrating my wife. Yesterday, a pair of fire-breathing evangelists did both. Fortunately, my wife isn’t me. I was down the street preparing for a lecture I was doing this week. Rather than taking their emotional bait, she responds with the kind of grace that changes things. I’m good at writing about how we change the world a gesture, a relationship,... Read more

October 3, 2015

A friend of mine told me recently told me she was tired of being a “Christian But…” Of course, when only hearing it, I figured she meant she felt like she was a “Christian ass,” to which I joked that she had lots of company. After rolling her eyes at me (as many people tend to do), she explained that she was tired of feeling like she had to tell people something like: I’m a Christian, but I don’t support... Read more

October 1, 2015

So I did this interview for “Not That Kind of Christian,” the new book I’m writing and trying to crowd fund. What a disaster. This is what happens when you’re not dealing with professionals. Learn more about the project HERE. And if you meet the interviewer on the street, kick him in the family jewels. Read more

September 30, 2015

The CultureCast crew took a few minutes away from enjoying their waning days of Portland sunlight to drop some tracks this week, straight from their mouth-parts to your ear-pieces. Why did that sound gross? As if Christian doesn’t get enough time on the show, this week he took over the interview slot as well. Actually, Slim Moon has said for a long time that people don’t really know as much about Amy and Christian as they learn about the people... Read more

September 29, 2015

In preparation for Eric Elnes’ visit to Portland to appear live on the Homebrewed CultureCast October 1st, I got some insight into what he calls his “best book yet,” “Gifts of the Dark Wood.” In it he offers a spiritual guidebook to navigating faith and seeking God in a postmodern world. As always, Eric offers some surprising – some might say controversial insights, like why we don’t need to fear hell, why we need failure, and why getting lost is... Read more

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