Unveiling Jesus’ Reality: Not the Usual Transcendental Twaddle

Unveiling Jesus’ Reality: Not the Usual Transcendental Twaddle August 21, 2013

“This is the human being that is trying to be born in you and me at this moment. This is the human being that needs to be born at this moment, because otherwise we will be passive and idiotic and comatose in the face of the burning of the world.” — Andrew Harvey at the second Christ Path Seminar.

Now we will turn to logion 77:  “I am the light which is above them all, I am the all.  The all has come forth from me and all has split open before me.  Lift the stone, you will find me there.  Split the piece of wood, I am there.”

In this logion, Jesus speaks of what the supreme divine consciousness will unveil to you about you. He’s speaking in the “I,” but He’s speaking from the “I AM” consciousness, the spacious divine consciousness that pervades the entire Gospel of Thomas.  He is referring to the innate cosmic birthright, the cosmic blessing, the original blessing of every human being.

This is a revolutionary statement—not the usual transcendental twaddle. He is not saying “I am One, and I am the Light, and I am eternal, and the body is an illusion, and I am just one with the Universe, and time will come and time will go” – no.

What He says is something so much more immense. He says that He is One with the total, eternal, spacious, deathless Transcendent, and He is One with every single cell and every single aspect of this immanent reality. He’s totally One with the Divine Father, and He’s totally One with the embodied Godhead, and He’s living in a single, multi-tiered, multi-level reality which is the source of immense sacred power.

This is the human being that is trying to be born in you and me at this moment.  This is the human being that needs to be born at this moment, because otherwise we will be passive and idiotic and comatose in the face of the burning of the world.

This is what is trying to get real in us, so that we can become lover/warrior/midwives of a wholly new reality. This is what this crisis is about, goading us into the reality of who we are, and making us at last stand up in that reality and do something real about it.

So listen:

“I am the Light that is above them all.” That’s you He’s talking about.

“I am the All.” You and I, as potentially divine human beings, are the masterpieces of billions of years of evolution and billions of years of divine love expressed in that evolution. We are potentially not these sniveling, comfort-drunk, cowardly beings who can’t seem to get any kind of soul erection while the animals die and the environment is destroyed and nobody does anything! We’re not those people – surely we’re not those people, because this lives in us, this beauty, this glory! That’s what’s waiting to come through in us, if only we can begin to do the work.

“I am the all.  The all has come forth from me and all has split open before me.  Lift the stone, you will find me there.  Split the piece of wood, I am there.”

The Presence that I am is in this wood and stone. It’s in everything, in every aspect of embodied reality. What Jesus became Himself, what He knows the divine human is, and what He knows about our evolutionary truth, is that we can be born into this single, omnipresent, focused, totally real, totally embodied, totally transcendent, Mother-Father, sacred androgynous power being, right now on this earth, and live eternity in time, and find God in the body and in every corner of our lives.

When we wake up to that glory, we become passionate about justice. We become brave in the service of compassion. We take on the lions and the hyenas of oppression. We’re not scared. We don’t hoard.

We’re not addicted to greed. We live free and we live beautifully. We live with holy abandon. We risk everything, which is what we’ve got to do now, or else everything you would bequeath your children is a swamp and a cesspit of massive violence and total heartbreak.

This is why I am reading these logions, because they burn on the page for me.

If these words are uncomfortable reading, I am glad.  They are intended to be. I aim to push you to the most uncomfortable edge, with the goal that when you get there, you will catch this fire yourself and run with it.

So…..in my next posts, I will look at three shorter logions, sharing with you the nature of this fire and the impact that it can have in your life.


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