5 Simple Ideas to Help Foster Community Within Your Church

5 Simple Ideas to Help Foster Community Within Your Church March 15, 2023

You may notice the same faces attending services every week and not even know their names. It’s likely you worship next to the same people and don’t have a relationship with them. It may be time to start creating meaningful relationships and connections within your church. 

Doing so might require a little work, but you are already blessed with the opportunity to get to know people.

1. Start a Small Group or Bible Study

Starting a small group is a great way to build relationships at your church. No matter how many people are in your church’s group, you get to spend time consistently with this select amount of people.

The group gathering may be designed to form a bond through Scripture. No matter what, you can still have deep conversations about a common value you have with one another.

It’s not uncommon to find other people craving connection just like you are. Humans are a social species with the drive to relate to others. To create a social space, reach out to the church’s leadership to get a group started.

2. Attend Seasonal Events

Holidays are when people feel the most connected to each other. Typically, your church will offer services for seasonal events to create a sense of community. Some could include an Easter egg hunt, Valentine’s Day card-making or Christmas-gift wrapping.

Participate in activities where you can meet new people in your community. These are great opportunities to get involved and celebrate special occasions. Events like an Easter egg hunt are fun and allow you to get in touch with history since they trace back to the 1700s and became a Christian tradition.

These occasions also allow people without family or loved ones to celebrate a holiday. Holidays are about family and coming together to worship the fantastic things that happened.Only some people have others to share these moments with. Encouraging ways for your community to come together during this time can be important for people with no family.

3. Post Flyers Outside of the Chruch

If you want to grow the church community, posting flyers is a great way to spread the word. You can place them in strategic spots like at a local library, community centers or popular places around town. It’s a great way to reach people who might not know about the church or how it’s growing locally.

Try to come up with an estimate of how many people you’re trying to reach with the flyers. Ensure you order 25% more than you think you’ll need so there’s extra to hand out personally or in spots you didn’t consider before. Include information that draws people in — like upcoming events and activities — and a number or email address to contact for questions. 

Posting flyers increases the chances of your community coming together and makes the church more accessible for everyone. Make some eye-catching flyers to get people’s attention and start posting them around town.

4. Make Time for Connections

When you start having small talk with the people in your church, you might hear them talk about things they’re interested in or need help with. Whether it is household tasks, an upcoming concert or a big test, you can do more than nod your head or start sharing about your own life. Take these conversations as an opportunity to deepen a relationship.

Studies show it takes more than 80 hours together to make a good friend. Even if it feels uncomfortable to ask to help someone or to accompany them to something you never tried, it’s a step toward forming a stronger community. Being available is vital to progress relationships beyond the weekend small talks after the church service.

Creating community in your church is important.

5. Invite God Into the Equation

When opportunities aren’t arising how you want them to, pray for them. Pray that God will reveal opportunities for you to grow and thrive. Faith brings the power of God into the life of the believer. As you pray, you’ll become more aware of what can deepen relationships and build community while new doors open.

Work to Build Your Church’s Community

Sometimes you have to work for the opportunities that come your way. Implementing these simple ideas will build your church’s community and form meaningful relationships.

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