Jehovah’s Witnesses embroiled in legal difficulties and scandal

Jehovah’s Witnesses embroiled in legal difficulties and scandal December 17, 2015


Jehovah's Witnesses world HQ
The world headquarters of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in Brooklyn, New York
(Wikimedia CC; click to enlarge.)


I’m obviously not a member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, as Jehovah’s Witnesses are officially known.  Nor am I a fan of either the organization or its teachings.  But I’m not posting these items out of Schadenfreude.  And certainly not to suggest that no professing Latter-day Saint has ever been guilty of rankly hypocritical misbehavior.  I just find this story newsworthy:


“Jehovah’s Witnesses can hide the truth in court to protect religion”

“Hypocrisy in the Jehovah’s Witness Church laid bare at child abuse royal commission”

“5 hardships faced by victims of Jehovah’s Witnesses sexual abuse”

“Jehovah’s Witnesses’ silencing techniques: as terrifying as child abuse”


Thanks to Cody Quirk for calling these articles to my attention.



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