“Man wraps bacon over Las Vegas mosque’s door handles in possible hate crime”

“Man wraps bacon over Las Vegas mosque’s door handles in possible hate crime” January 2, 2016


A mosque in the desert (of Las Vegas)
Masjid-i Tawheed
Las Vegas, Nevada




I’ve never been thrilled with the idea of “hate crimes.”  To me, there are just “crimes,” and thoughts are free.  Maybe I could be convinced, but I resist the notion.


People have the right to be wrong, to be idiots, to think uncharitable and even prejudiced and hateful thoughts.  But they should be punished firmly if they commit acts that violate laws.


In my view, wrapping bacon around the door handles of a mosque isn’t a major crime.  It should probably count as vandalism.  And perhaps there are some other applicable statutes.


There’s no doubt whatever, though, that this man is a jerk and a bigot who deserves condemnation.


(Thanks to Eric Lopez for bringing this news item to my attention.)



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