Is there a whole parallel universe out there? Has spirit matter (or the spirit world) been found?

Is there a whole parallel universe out there? Has spirit matter (or the spirit world) been found? April 12, 2016


Subatomic particles, auf Deutsch
What if this chart surveying all known subatomic particles is only beginning to scratch the surface of what’s out there?  (Wikimedia Commons)


Well, who knows?  I don’t.  And I’m only half-way serious.  If that.  But maybe.


At any rate, the universe seems to have a whole lot more stuff in it than we can see, touch, taste, or feel:


As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, “Materialism isn’t what it used to be.”


There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, 
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Hamlet I.v.167-168



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