“I’m a spy for the Mormon Church”

“I’m a spy for the Mormon Church” August 16, 2016


Spy silhouette
A Mormon spy with a stolen document (or, perhaps, one of the golden plates)
Wikimedia Commons


I would imagine that some of this guy’s audience will believe him.


After all, his story is no crazier and no more obviously bogus than the claims with which Ed Decker and Bill Schoebelen and the inimitable Loftes Tryk have entertained audiences (and from which at least one of them has apparently derived a living) over the past several decades:


On Ed Decker (and, to some extent, on his sidekick Bill Schoebelen), see “P. T. Barnum Redivivus.”


On Loftes Tryk, see “A Modern Malleus maleficarum,” which represents perhaps the most fun I’ve ever had while writing,


Posted from Oslo, Norway



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