Women, Divine Councils, World Tours, Jacob’s Blessings, Easter, and More

Women, Divine Councils, World Tours, Jacob’s Blessings, Easter, and More March 24, 2018


Bradshaw photo of Kinshasa Temple
The Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple is currently under construction.
Photograph courtesy of Elder Jeffrey M. Bradshaw


I’m a bit late — sorry! — in announcing yesterday’s new article in Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture:


“The Status of Women in Old Testament Marriage”




If you’re a student or a teacher in the Gospel Doctrine classes of the Church, you’ll find Interpreter’s Old Testament KnoWhys helpful.  Here’s the one for the lesson that I’ll be teaching tomorow (Sunday, 25 March 2018):


“KnoWhy OTL12A — How Should We Understand the Rich Symbolism in Jacob’s Blessings of Judah and Joseph?  An Old Testament KnoWhy: Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12: ‘Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction’ (Genesis 40-45) (JBOTL12A)”


Jeff Bradshaw’s steady production of these resources has been nothing short of astonishing — especially given the fact that he and his wife are currently serving as missionaries in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.




Some of you will find this note interesting:


Divine Council in Isaiah 40″


I couldn’t get the embedded link to Steve Smoot’s article to work, so here’s a fresh link for you:


“The Divine Council in the Hebrew Bible and the Book of Mormon”




Speaking of Stephen Smoot, here’s a brief piece in which, jumping off from the sordid current controversy about a former president of the Missionary Training Center — a subject on which several people have asked me to speak out, which I intend to do at some point — he goes in a direction that few critics, if any, will have anticipated and that, I can guarantee, will not please them:


“‘Believing Women’ Includes Believing Joseph Smith’s Plural Wives”




A new book that some of you will find of interest.  I definitely intend to read it:


D. Charles Pyle’s “I Have Said Ye Are Gods” available to order on Amazon”




Here’s a wonderful thing to include in your celebration of Easter, or in your reflections on or just after that mighty commemoration:






“President Nelson to Tour Europe, Africa and Asia in April: Church president will be joined by his wife, Wendy, and Elder and Sister Holland”


This is a pretty remarkable undertaking for a man who is heading toward 94 years old.  I’m very happy to see a president of the Church again able to get out among the people.




Don’t forget the Interpreter Radio Show, which is now broadcast on Sunday evenings for two hours, between 7 PM and 9 PM (Utah time) on K-TALK Radio (1640 AM), and which can also be heard via the K-Talk website and, a few days later, via archiving on the Interpreter Foundation website.



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