“Could the Iran Deal Be the Worst International Accord of All Time?”

“Could the Iran Deal Be the Worst International Accord of All Time?” July 14, 2015


Raad missiles
A Raad anti-missile system in an Iranian military parade
(Click on the image — or reelect Mr. Obama — to enlarge it.)


Daniel Pipes is very controversial, but he’s no idiot and he has impeccable academic credentials for the study of the Near East.  Son of of a Harvard specialist in Russian history, he received all of his degrees (including his own doctorate) in Middle Eastern history from Harvard, while punctuating his training there with six years of study in Germany and Egypt.  And he’s taught at Harvard, the University of Chicago, Stanford, and the Naval War College.


In any event, here’s his brief take on the new nuclear accord with Iran:




Not everybody is unhappy with the deal, though.  I understand that, in Iran, crowds in the streets celebrated news of the deal with joyous chants of “Death to America!”


Posted from Santa Fe, New Mexico


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