Guest Post; Untitled by Porsha Williams

Guest Post; Untitled by Porsha Williams August 26, 2012

Guest Post Poem from Porsha Williams


I’m in a phenomenal place

There is no sound, no feeling, no smell or taste

It is the darkness – Soulless Pit, the Abyss!

How could you not know, however could it be missed?

This is the reality, the finalized and discovered – You know me, Now!

This is the Darkness, the place where nightmares play; Unbound!

This is the dusk, the Twilight of my soul –

It is the breaking point, where I am undone and no longer whole

It’s here that I enter Purgatory, this place where I now know rest,

It’s here starts the silence – my meditation, I can let it off my chest!

It’s here I can watch now, I can lay down my sword and exit life’s fight

This place is the dreamscape, the Goddess’ bosom, Blessed Mother Night!

Hold your daughter, for she is emptied

Of her Will to just BE,

Madre Luna! Blessed Isis, Great Innana, set me free –

Take me to him, so that he may hold me in his loving arms,

Take me to him, cloaked head – veiled face – hidden charms!

Heal me, Great One!

Give me Solace in the sound – The sound of your voice,

The rolling bass of thunder on the hilltops that abound!

Righteous and plentiful, the seduction of your touch…

Lover of the Darkness…I can wait no longer…forever has been one moment too much.


Porsha Williams is a recently converted Pagan of the Greco-Egyptian and Kemetic paths. She enjoys Anne Rice novels, knitting, writing poetry, mani-pedis and all things Lumpy SpacePrincess! When not having the best time ever as a recently engaged, stay-at-home mom of one, she enjoys her “hobby turned career” as a contributing writer, the African-American Wiccan blog, and

So how did all of this wonderfulness come to pass? Due to the exacerbation of her Mitochondrial Myopathy (muscle disease), she found it necessary to retire early from 11 years of life in “Corporate America.” Finding herself disabled and out of work for the first time since she was 14 years old, it was time to face facts without giving up on the option of making a career from something she loved. Writing had always been a past-time; with all this extra time on her hands, she knew it was time to give what she’d never believed possible her fullest effort. What better to write about than her exploration into her new path as a Pagan, fresh out of the “broom closet” and living in the Midwest?

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