Modern Eugenics

Modern Eugenics June 27, 2014

The eugenic impulse lives, among people who refuse to recognize that recognizing the dignity of every person means that some of them will do things you don’t want them to, like have more children, and that’s just life. Today’s example: California female inmates sterilized illegally.

 The California State Auditor on Thursday blasted federal and state oversight of sterilization surgeries for female prison inmates, finding numerous illegal surgeries and violations of the state’s informed consent law.

. . . Of the 144 inmates who underwent tubal ligations from fiscal years 2005-06 to 2012-13, auditors found nearly one-third were performed without lawful consent, according to the report released Thursday.

The prisons deny any such intent, but one is not inclined to believe them. Given this one doctor’s eugenicist analysis, for example:

State prison data indicates that more than half of the surgeries requested during that time period — 74 — came from Valley State. More than two-thirds of those came from Dr. James Heinrich, Valley State’s OB-GYN, or a nurse on his staff, according to the prison’s medical service request records.

Heinrich previously told CIR that the money spent sterilizing inmates was minimal “compared to what you save in welfare paying for these unwanted children — as they procreated more.”

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