After near-death experience, boy says heaven is real

After near-death experience, boy says heaven is real February 18, 2011

A Nebraska boy named Colton Burpo was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery — and what he had to say after his recovery has people stunned:

There were things Colton did and things he said after the surgery that were out of the ordinary, but none of it made sense until a drive past the hospital four months after the surgery.

His Dad jokingly asked Colton if he wanted to go back to the hospital.

Colton’s response?   “You know Dad, the angels sang to me while I was there,” the boy said.

Todd remembers looking into the mirror and seeing his son’s face being dead serious, with no smile or notion that he was joking in return.

Todd looked at his wife and asked, “Has he ever talked about angels with you before?”

Colton claims that while on the operating table he went to heaven and that he met his great-grandfather Pop. Colton says his grandfather didn’t look like the man in the photo in his house, but instead looked like the man in the picture sent months later by his Grandmother, a young man without glasses.

But perhaps the most shocking part of Colton’s story, the baby he never knew about.

One day while Colton was playing he walked up to his mom, and out of the blue asked, “Mom, I have two sisters, you had a baby die in your tummy didn’t you?”

Sonja was shocked and overwhelmed by what her little boy had just said. When she asked him who told him, he said, “she did Mommy, she said she died in your tummy.”

Todd and Sonja had never told their son about the miscarriage Sonja had before Colton was born. After all, it was more than a four-year-old would ever need to know.

Colton went on to tell his mom that she was a girl and, “she looked familiar and she started giving me hugs and she was glad to have someone in her family up there.”

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