Lila Rose to address National Prayer Breakfast Wednesday

Lila Rose to address National Prayer Breakfast Wednesday April 26, 2011

A young woman who has become a household name in the pro-life movement will be addressing the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast tomorrow.

From the Religion News Service and USA TODAY:

Anti-abortion activist Lila Rose has shared the stage with Sarah Palin, seen her exploits extolled on Fox News and drawn comparisons to heroic Gentiles who sheltered Jews during the Holocaust.

So why are some conservative Christians so uneasy about her work?

The telegenic 22-year-old will address the seventh annual National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday in Washington, along with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell.

Rose, who converted to Catholicism two years ago, is founder and president of Live Action, which she calls “a new media pro-life organization.” The group has released dozens of covertly taped videos in which Rose and other activists pose as pimps or underage girls seeking abortions, birth control or exams from unwitting Planned Parenthood clinics.

Joseph Cella, a conservative political consultant who founded the prayer breakfast, called Rose a poster child for Jesus’ counsel that Christians be “shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

“Lila is one of the bright young leaders of the pro-life movement,” Cella said. “She is going to be around for a long time.”

Cella acknowledged, though, that Rose’s work has provoked a “family squabble” among conservative Christians.

In fact, the Live Action debate seems less an internecine spat than a university seminar, with philosophers and political scientists consumed by a clear-cut but complex question: Is it ever moral to lie?

Rose said Live Action’s deceptive tactics serve a larger truth.

“The purpose of all our visual investigative work is to expose abuses and injustices against those who are defenseless,” she said.

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