"Sing choirs of angels…"

"Sing choirs of angels…" April 9, 2011

My voice is far from angelic, but I’m laboring mightily to — once again — chant the Exultet this Easter.

The hardest part, I think, is just learning it.  And to that end, I’ve been helped immensely by this recording by Fr. Tim Hepburn, from the Archdiocese of Atlanta.  Back in 2008, for my first Easter Vigil, I downloaded that recording to my iPod and listened to it incessantly.  I now have Fr. Tim on my brain.  But I somehow mastered the basics, and have been able to just practice, practice, practice ever since.  (And every year there are two clear signs that Easter is nearing: my wife starts stocking up on Peanut Butter Cup Easter eggs, and she spends more time out of the house, because her husband is practicing the Exultet…)

It turns out Fr. Tim also has his own apologetics site, which has links to some of his own songs.  Check it out.   For those deacons who have also become familiar with Fr. Tim’s warbling, that’s a picture of him below — presumably not singing the Exultet, though.

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