Meet "Fr. Gadget" and his iPad

Meet "Fr. Gadget" and his iPad June 16, 2011

Remember when priests never went anywhere without a breviary?

Here’s the 21st century (Anglican) version, from the BBC:

A parish priest is turning heads by using the latest technology to help communicate with his flock.

Father David Matthews, who jokingly calls himself “Father Gadget”, uses an iPad for readings, prayers and music.

The Church in Wales priest said the device also helped him to personalise services, particularly weddings, baptisms and funerals.

His tech-savvy approach impressed guests at a recent wedding at St Mary’s in Marshfield, near Newport.

Father Matthews, 50, parish priest for Marshfield and St Brides Wentlooge, said: “For about 10 years I’ve been interested in technology. I jokingly refer to myself as Father Gadget!

“Those [parishioners] that are aware of it think it’s great. Most of them would be unaware of it though.”

He said he prepared for a mid-week service by putting various readings and prayers into his iPad.

“I tend not to use it at the altar, I use the prayer books, but I tend to use it more at the lectern,” he added.

He said he had downloaded several applications, or apps, that were useful such as daily prayers and translations of texts from scriptures.

He said it was useful for customising services such as weddings where people wanted particular readings or prayers.

“It has saved me having to use lots of different books because you can change the text,” he said.

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