Ordination update: 7 new deacons for Bridgeport

Ordination update: 7 new deacons for Bridgeport June 21, 2011

Just like in the beginning!

There’s an article about the men right here.

And from the bishop’s homily:

You are to be good servants of the Word,
and enthusiastic agents of the New Evangelization.
Never offer your own word, your own views, in place of the Word of Christ
as it comes to us through the teaching of the Church.
Allow the Word you proclaim to shape your inmost thoughts,
and to shine forth in your every word and deed.
To be sure you must study the Scripture, be aware of their inherent unity,
and be steeped in the Tradition of the Church.
But do not merely read the Word!
Pray and live the Word you proclaim and make it your goal to help those you serve
to embrace the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Catholic faith.
Do not let the noise of the world crowd the Word of God out of your hearts.
As the psalmist says, “Be still and know that I am God!”
In your daily lives as married men and in your professional lives,
show how God’s Word can be put into practice.
In your zeal for souls, bring Christ’s message to all who are searching for God
and to those who have grown lax or alienated from the Church.
Pray, proclaim, preach, evangelize!

Amen.  Congratulations!  Ad multos annos!

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