Ordination Update: 25 New Deacons for Pittsburgh

Ordination Update: 25 New Deacons for Pittsburgh June 17, 2013

They are a diverse bunch:

The men of the deacon class of 2013, who have made this formation journey together, are a diverse yet cohesive group:

  • They range in age from 45 to 64, with the average being 55. One is single; the rest are married and, collectively, they have a total of 49 children and 12 grandchildren — with one more on the way any day.
  •   They come from 21 parishes and four of the six counties that comprise the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County having the most candidates by far: 17.
  •  Three of the men are converts to Catholicism, coming into the church earlier in their lives from other Christian denominations.
  •  All except five of the men have their roots in western Pennsylvania. Others were born in Florida, Ohio, California, New Jersey or other parts of Pennsylvania and found their way to this area at some point.
  •   Eleven of the men hold advanced academic degrees, including five with doctorates.

They come from a wide range of careers. Two are attorneys, two are physicians and two work in parishes as pastoral associates. Among them also are a psychologist, bus driver, borough manager, personal trainer, funeral director, water treatment plant operator, juvenile probation supervisor and an auto mechanic.

One runs a company that provides information technology services and training, another is a consultant-contractor in the IT industry, two work in sales and marketing, still another is employed in the banking industry. There also is a quality engineer, civil engineer, software engineer and a designer for an engineering firm in this group.

Read more.  Congratulations, brothers, and welcome!  Ad multis annos!

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