Bridgeport welcomes a bishop with close ties to deacons and deacon formation

Bridgeport welcomes a bishop with close ties to deacons and deacon formation July 31, 2013

The Diocese of Bridgeport, Connecticut has posted an extended biography of its new bishop, Frank Caggiano.  Worth noting: 

Bishop Caggiano was assigned as parochial vicar in the Shrine Church of Saint Jude in Canarsie in June, 1996. He was also appointed the Dean of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate Program and the Censor Librorum of the Diocese. As Dean, he oversaw the spiritual and theological formation of the men who were preparing for ordination as permanent deacons for our Diocese.

In June, 2002, Bishop Daily appointed Bishop Caggiano as the Director of the Permanent Diaconate Office. Among his duties was to oversee the revision of the formation program for men studying to serve as deacons in light of the Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons (1998) and related documents. A second task was to create an ongoing formation program for deacons already assigned to ministry.

Bridgeport deacons should be very happy today.

Read the rest of his biography.   There are some fascinating tidbits.

Meantime, one memorable quote from this morning’s presser:

When asked about his hobbies, Bishop Caggiano replied, “I’m an avid Mets fan. I’m a man of hope.”

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