Bishop to deacons: Dare to be “superheroes”

Bishop to deacons: Dare to be “superheroes” October 28, 2013

Last week, I posted on the ordination of deacons in Richmond.  Here, some highlights of the bishop’s message, from the Catholic Virginian:

In his exuberance of welcoming 19 men who were presenting themselves to be ordained deacons for the Diocese of Richmond, Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo compared them to “superheroes” comic strip lore and early TV.

Among those he mentioned was Superman, alias Clark Kent, who fought for “Truth, Justice and the American Way.”

Others included Steve Rogers and, “Let’s not forget, ladies, Wonder Woman,” Bishop DiLorenzo said.

The bishop made his remarks during the homily at the ordination liturgy, Oct. 19, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart.

“Dare I suggest that there are elements of a superhero among those of you who are presenting yourself today?” the bishop asked rhetorically.

“You’ve got to be a special kind of person,” he said. “You are willing to get out there and present yourself as a servant leader.

“You certainly are intelligent and you are role models,” Bishop DiLorenzo continued.

“Young people look at you and the very fact that you are a public person makes you—in their eyes—a curiosity.”

While acknowledging that the new deacons have goals for their future, he encouraged them to pursue one in particular.

“It’s to be first and foremost in a deep relationship with Jesus Christ,” Bishop DiLorenzo said.

Check out the rest. 

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