Mass in the Extraordinary Form at a Brooklyn church—UPDATED

Mass in the Extraordinary Form at a Brooklyn church—UPDATED May 31, 2014

Some may remember the pictures I posted last week, showcasing the newly renovated Holy Name of Jesus church in Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn.

Saturday, they put the beautiful James Renwick-designed altar to good use and celebrated Mass in the Extraordinary Form.

The pastor, Fr. James Cunningham, reports close to 200 people showed up. Fathers Brandon O’Brien, Joseph Zwosta & Stephen Saffron took part. These pictures are from Fr. Cunningham’s Facebook page.

UPDATE: There’s a very thorough write-up, with more pictures here:

This parish was able to sponsor a Solemn Requiem Mass conducted with a perfection of ceremony and music encountered almost nowhere – including the immediate “pre-conciliar” time – prior toSummorum Pontificum. The celebrant was Fr. Brandon O’Brien. The deacon, Fr. Joseph Zwosta; the subdecaon, Fr. Stephen Saffron. The master of ceremonies was Eddy Toribio ( you have encountered him many times on the photographs found on  this blog).  The music includesd the Missa de Beata a 5 by Victoria,  motets by Palestrina  the music director  – director of music and organist was Mr. David Adam Smith.

A large congregation  of all ages, nationalities  and races filled the church. Old-timers of the parish spoke of their joy in seeing the resurrection of  the church.  Truly the restored interior is magnificent sight  – testifying to the sacrifices and commitment of the parishioners of Holy Name of Jesus. Yet the experience of ceremony in a such a splendid setting leaves the visitor pensive. A beautiful church has been recreated – yet across the East River many  intact churches with even more magnificent interiors  face the wrecking ball. Indeed, the new high altar of the church came from a razed church in Williamsburg.

Check out the rest.

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