The thrilling Easter tradition of ‘The Running Madonna’

The thrilling Easter tradition of ‘The Running Madonna’ April 2, 2018

This is something truly wonderful, from Sulmona, Italy: the annual public gathering in the streets that re-enacts the moment when a grieving Mary first saw her risen son. Read on at the website Life in Abruzzo:

It’s difficult not to feel that Sulmona’s Easter re-enactment of ‘La Madonna che Scappa’ (Running Madonna) symbolizes Spring throwing off the dark winter months and the growing green of Abruzzo as new shoots take hold. Whichever meaning you like to apply, the rush of hope and excitement of the Madonna as she races towards her resurrected son or that of Spring clipping the hungry months to bring new crops, livelihood and riches to happy families, it provides a great reason to swing by the medieval city of Sulmona (famous already as the birthplace of Ovid, sugared-almond Confetti and red garlic) on Easter Sunday morning.


There are more details at the link.

Meantime, check it out in the two videos below. In a post-Christian world, this is a glorious affirmation of belief and hope.

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