Fr. Jim Sichko’s generous mission of mercy: ‘I’m a beggar for Christ’

Fr. Jim Sichko’s generous mission of mercy: ‘I’m a beggar for Christ’ December 15, 2018

I’ve posted stories about this tireless priest in the past — most recently, about his marketing of his mother’s spaghetti sauce — and now the Daily Mail has caught up with him and posted the video below. Check it out.

Meanwhile, the AP caught up with him in California this week:

Father Jim Sichko has a 50-state congregation and a simple mandate from the pope: Go forth and do good deeds.

That’s why the Roman Catholic priest found himself standing by the drive-thru of a popular Hollywood fast-food joint on a recent windy, rain-swept afternoon buying lunch for everyone who stopped by. The next day he’d be at a gas station in Kentucky, topping off people’s tanks. Then it would be on to Arizona where he would — well, he wasn’t quite sure what he’d do there, but he’d think of something.

At a Starbucks last Christmas, he tipped each of the baristas $100 after learning the annual brouhaha over whether the coffee chain’s holiday cups are Christmassy enough had caused tips to plummet.

Sichko is a papal missionary of mercy, a rarified group of 700 from around the world, including several from the United States, who were appointed directly by Pope Francis in celebration of a “Jubilee of Mercy” that began in December 2015 and has since been extended indefinitely.

Read it all. 

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