Homily for Pentecost: “Strike a match. Set the world ablaze.”

Homily for Pentecost: “Strike a match. Set the world ablaze.” May 23, 2015


Two thousand years ago, men and women who had followed Jesus asked themselves that question on the first Pentecost. And we are the beneficiaries of their answer. All of us who gather to pray and remember and rejoice on this Pentecost are heirs of that first Pentecost. Those first Christians cleared the path, and often died trying, so that we could walk in their footsteps —walk The Way—today.

So today, dare to ask the question: Where will those footsteps take us?

Who will be the beneficiaries of our choices?

Who will carry the flame, the torch of faith, as it is passed?

It is up to each of us.

This Pentecost, let us ask the Spirit to touch all of our hearts, as He touched the hearts of the disciples on the first Pentecost. Let the fire burn over you, so the flame can spread.

There’s a famous saying from St. Catherine of Siena: “If you are what you should be, you will set the world ablaze.”

This Pentecost, go ahead. Strike a match. Set the world ablaze.

— from Homily for Pentecost, 2012. 


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