An Invocation to the Gods of Spring

An Invocation to the Gods of Spring March 20, 2015

In my line, we use some variation of this invocation for most rituals.  I like to have some sort of basic structure, around which we can make changes pertinent to the work.

You will notice that there are no Names used in this prayer.  We work more with the spirits of *this* time and place, which is always changing.  After this invocation, I might call on Brigid because she is one of my Mothers.  Another person might call on Cernunnos, his patron.  Someone else might ask the spirit of their grandmother to be present.  Those invocations are often intensely personal and spoken directly from the heart in the moment.

I hope this prayer serves you well.


We invite you and invoke you

Lady and Lady

Lord and Lord

Lord and Lady

And all between

Great God Hirself

In all your permutations

Goddesses of milk and truth

The open willing earth

Flowering compassion

Rooted in love

Gods of fire and beauty

The first thrusting green

Brilliant joy

Growing in strength

All helpful Beings

of change and truth and trust

of all wisdom and spring girlevery age

Be with us this Equinox day

That we may learn to wield our power with grace

As you do

That we may learn to love wild and free

As you do

That we may know the utter bliss of union with all things

As you do

Hail and be welcome

Blessed be


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