Dirt-Heart Farm Summer Update (Mostly Pics!)

Dirt-Heart Farm Summer Update (Mostly Pics!) July 26, 2019

Life at Dirt-Heart Farm proceeds apace. Just sent the last 15 meat birds off to freezer camp last week, the laying flock is in full force, trees are fruiting and all the raised bed space is in some state between freshly seeded and ready for harvest. Here are a few pics of our abundance!

Herb party…Basil, Thyme, Marjoram, Sage, Hyssop…along with some Green Onions replanted after harvesting their green tops
Two of my THIRTEEN Tomato plants…many different varieties! (Bucket for scale)
Gonna need hops for further brewing experiments!
Two 25′ rows of potatoes…again several different varieties
Harvested all the Broccoli heads last week; these are the side shoots already going great guns!
Oh Blessed Thistle…so lovely and POKEY
One of two big ol’ patches of White Sage…yeah, we probably have enough Sage now
Yay, baby Squash!
I have no idea, but our Landmate planted these and they are beautiful!
Yeah, we might have a few Peaches
Spot the spider hiding inside the Naked Lady flower!

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