A Response to Newt Gingrich from the Front Porch: A Biography of Saul Alinsky

A Response to Newt Gingrich from the Front Porch: A Biography of Saul Alinsky March 12, 2012
Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich made a remark as part of his campaign that “the centerpiece of this campaign…is American exceptionalism versus the radicalism of Saul Alinsky”. Gingrich’s branding of Alinsky as a “radical” was an attempt to starkly differentiate himself from the perceived Socialism of the Obama administration.
But is the association justified? Russell Arben Fox has written in direct response to Gingrich’s remark a brief biography of Alinsky in the conservative blog Front Porch Republic. One could wonder if the post is comprehensive enough to dispel the mislabelling of Alinsky by Gingrich, but it nonetheless makes for interesting reading, and is a good follow up to an old post quoting Alinsky.

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