A first sign of spring is the budding of the daffodils. I love those goofy flowers. To me, they look like they’re about to start honking. In many areas, they are associated with manicured suburban lawns, but they tend to spread–splitting their bulbs and sprouting where they please. They are friendly and lovely, but sorely taken for granted in Magick. The first flower of spring is a powerful one in spells.***
Daffodils will bloom before the final frost and refuse to whither even when late spring snows crush everything else. The dainty flower is a resilient beast. It’s a great flower to use for spells invoking resiliency.
Suggested use: Take the last daffodil standing (after the other daffodils have bloomed out) and carry the petals in a sachet to increase personal resiliency. Mix crushed petals and pollen with a person curio (hair, saliva, etc.) and anoint a red candle for your own Magickal resilience.****
Friendly Matters
It’s a damn friendly flower! The lovely yellow colors, the open petals, this flower looks like it’s ready to talk about the weather and ask about your day. Yellow flowers in general often represent friendship, as well as joy.
Suggested use: If you’re looking to make new friends or increase your social circle, place a single daffodil on your altar or in your Magick space and assign each of the six outer petals to bring a certain kind of new energy to your social circle (i.e., like-minded, kind, fun, loyal, etc….). Assign the “cup” in the center to yourself, saying the phrase: “Daffodil sweet, daffodil bright, bring these things to me, so right!”
Daffodil is a member of the Narcissus plant family. The word is connected to the Greek myth of Narcissus, the young man who fell deeply in love with his own reflection. Things didn’t end well for him, but fortunately we don’t need to emulate his story to reap its benefits. Daffodils are great in spells for self-love. If you’ve been down or hard on yourself and you want to change that, consider using daffodil in the spell.
Suggested use: Add a few daffodil petals to your ritual bath, along with a hefty scoop of sea-salt and some apple-cider vinegar. This is best on a New Moon. Do so with the intention of banishing harmful self-criticism and bringing in self-compassion and self-love.****
Daffodils are bulb plants. Once they’ve bloomed out, they’ll bloom again the following spring so long as they’re left alone. This regenerative energy is great to include in your Magick, particularly if you want to keep luck and prosperity flowing into your life.
Suggested use: When planting daffodils, tell the bulbs that as they are to regenerate, they are to regenerate blessings into your life as well.
The daffodil is a flower which has both male and female components–outright called a bi-sexual flower. Because of this, it’s a great flower to use in spells that aid the LGBTQ community. A protective flower in its own right, it’s particularly good for protecting those who are gender non-conforming.
Suggested use: Crowd your altar with daffodils when doing this kind of work. You can also draw a daffodil bloom on an amulet for such a purpose or even add the petals to the amulet, or both!
A Springtime Offering
I cut the first daffodils blooming in my yard and offer them to a Deity whom I have called on many times or will be calling on frequently in the coming season. This year, I offered three to Brigid. I added red food coloring to the water in their vase. Not only does it make a pretty sight on the altar, the petals are just now picking up a hint of red at their tips. This doesn’t have special meaning for me. I just like to offer the Gods pretty things. They seem to like that.
***Please note: daffodils are poisonous if ingested. Do not eat them, and take care if leaving around if you have children or animals in your home.
****Daffodil pollen can incite allergic reactions in some people. Consider using gloves or limiting your exposure to petals or pollen.