E3 Expedition Podcast 6: God Answering Prayers In India, Cuba & the U.S.

E3 Expedition Podcast 6: God Answering Prayers In India, Cuba & the U.S. September 25, 2014

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Bryan was only 12-years-old when God put it on his heart to go to India and Bangladesh… all by himself, without his parents!  Here’s his story:

I actually got sick for a few days, so I had to stay in the hotel and rest while the rest of the team went out to the nearby villages to spread God’s word.  While I was sick, I spent a lot of time praying for each person on our team as they were out sharing.  We’d write down each person’s name and then go through the Bible, praying for each person individually.  During this time, I prayed as I never had before – I knew that it was God putting each word into my mind and I would simply speak them out.  It was so cool to be praying just as God wanted me to for my team.  Then, we were going to spend five to ten minutes praying for the team at large, which easily turned into a half-hour talking with Jesus about our team!

God really put it on my heart to pray against the enemy, as I envisioned each person on our team suited up in armor, in the midst of battle for the Lord.  It was so cool!

What Bryan didn’t share were the words from Bryan’s interpreter in India.  Although Bryan was only twelve, he had been assigned an adult interpreter.  Not only an adult, but a very well-educated senior pastor from the nearby village.  The humility for this spiritual leader to be relegated to interpreter is one thing, but what was most amazing was his response to what it was like interpreting for this young boy.  The pastor, simply lit up and exclaimed, “I learned so much from Bryan!”  What a perfect illustration of God at work, teaming together a boy and a senior pastor to work together in His Name.

Next, we year from Katherine, a music teacher who went to Cuba to show the people there God’s love:

Before leaving for Cuba, I felt so prepared spiritually, physically, and in regards to what I had packed to bring.  Our team was like a well-oiled machine, our interpreters were top-notch.  Every person worked so well together, and it was so exciting to see God at work in our hearts even before we touched ground.

The first couple days didn’t see many results, but there was a breakthrough by the third day.  By day-three, people were coming to our services in droves, with smiling faces and they were hungry to dive into scripture and memorize God’s Word!

One day, we went into a home where we met a couple of gentlemen:  the son was probably in his mid-thirties and his father in his fifties.  I had the opportunity to share my story about how God has worked in my life and share the Gospel with them.  When I was finished, I asked them if they’d be interested in inviting Jesus to work in their lives, and the father replied, “Well, this is the first time I’ve ever heard this message before.  And this seems like a very important decision that I would be making.  So, I’d like to take some time and think about it, if that’s alright.”

It struck me like a shot between the eyes that I was the first person that this man had ever encountered who was willing and able to share the Gospel with him.

I realized that even if things hadn’t gone well with our team – if the entire trip were to have been wrought with problem after problem, it would have all been worth it, to simply have the opportunity to share this one time with this these men.

I learned so much, and as far as I’m concerned, every believer needs to go out to the world and share the Gospel as much as possible.  I can’t wait to go back and even take my children with me.

One more significant thing that I learned came after I returned home.  I would tell my friends about the trip and I would often say, “You need to go outside the country to spread God’s word, because people in the United States simply don’t want to hear about Jesus.”

It was as if God heard my words and said, “OK, Miss Smartypants – here’s something for ya!”

My doorbell rang about four days after I had got back from Cuba.  I was busy cleaning, doing laundry – the typical stuff you do when you just get back from a long trip.  I answered my door to meet a young, college-aged girl who was trying to earn money for a scholarship by selling magazine subscriptions.  Typically, I would have gotten right back to my laundry, but I heard God softly speak to me:  “Buy a magazine subscription, and then share the Gospel with her.”

Too easy, right?

I listened to her pitch and found a magazine I wanted, then invited her inside for a glass of water while I filled out the paperwork and got my checkbook.  As we wrapped up, I asked her, “Has anyone ever told you how much God loves  you?”

When she answered, “No”, I dove right in and shared God’s plan for her life and she accepted Christ as her Savior then and there.  It was as if God was telling me, “I can give you that same boldness to speak My truth no matter what country you are in!”

It’s always amazing to see God answer the prayers of his people all around the world.  He prepares our hearts, He meets our needs, He provides opportunities, He changes lives for His glory!

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