Over the Chalice of the World

Over the Chalice of the World May 7, 2012

There are much better photos of Saturday nights’s Supermoon, but this is how I saw it, turning the night to day and looking like nothing so much as an enormous Host elevated over the Chalice of the world as I left my young friend Sylvia’s First Communion party.

And because every moon is super and our sister and full no matter from what perspective it appears and a reflection of its Creator, some Mechthild of Magdeburg (from Book 8 of The Flowing Light of the Godhead) for moonwatching in nights to come:

O you full Moon.
O you bottomless Well.
O you unscalable Height.
O you brightness without measure.
O Wisdom without ground.
O Mercy without restraint.
O Might without opposition.
O Crown of all honors!
The most lowly person you ever created praises you.

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