On the Edges of Elfland Is Available for Purchase!

On the Edges of Elfland Is Available for Purchase! September 16, 2016

David Russell Mosley

The cover for my book.
The cover for my book.

Ordinary Time
St. Ninian
The Edge of Elfland

Hudson, New Hampshire

Dear Readers,

I have some very exciting news. Today, right now, this very moment my first novel On the Edges of Elfland: A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups is officially available for purchase! Now it is not available on Wipf and Stock’s website yet (that should come Sunday) and it will be another week or so before it is available on Amazon.com. However, for those who feel so inclined, it may be purchased by either calling or emailing Wipf and Stock Customer Service. So, if you call 541-344-1528 or email orders@wipfandstock.com with either the title of my book, On the Edges of Elfland, or the ISBN, 9781498279338 you will be able to purchase my book. It should cost around $19. Actually, I think, but am not certain, that it will be slightly discounted if you order directly through Wipf and Stock. I am elated with this news, over the moon, in fact. So, if you’re interested and don’t want to wait for it to be available online, you can go ahead and order it now (and I kind of hope you do). If you do get a copy, do let me know. I’m very excited, and not a little nervous, to have people reading my book.



My book is now available on the Wipf and Stock website. Normally $17 it is currently being sold for $13.60 so make sure to get your copy today!


When Alfred Perkins was a young boy, growing up in a pub in a small English village, he was often told stories by his godfather, Oliver Cyning. Mr Cyning’s stories always dealt with elves and fairies, and they were usually placed in the past of Alfred’s hometown. Alfred grew up believing these stories and spent many hours in the local forest looking for the denizens of Elfland. After a traumatic childhood experience, Alfred stops seeing his godfather and ceases to believe that Elfland exists. Now grown and having graduated from university, Alfred is forced to believe that his godfather’s stories were true. This discovery also leads Alfred to the knowledge that a plot is afoot to destroy both Elfland and his village. Now he must join together with friends from his village and Elfland in order to stop the evil plots of the Goblin King and take his rightful place in both the village and Elfland.

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