On the Size of Holy Imaginations

On the Size of Holy Imaginations December 18, 2012

“For nothing will be impossible with God.” (Luke 1:37)

Though journeying together is rich and powerful in its ability to sustain us in faith, belief and hope. there is something to be said about discerning whom we invite to walk alongside us.

In this season of Advent, Mary and Elizabeth are fitting for each other because they truly believe in God’s ability to move beyond their understanding. They share a similar faith imagination that can hold mystery and divine possibility in the face of what the world will call impossible.

Some other person might encourage Mary or Elizabeth to reconsider what they “think” God spoke to them, not out of malice, but simply because we all live within different expanses of holy imagination. Sometimes what we cannot believe for ourselves prevents us from believing and hoping with others.

A proactive way of embracing our waiting seasons comes in seeking out the company and encouragement of those whose spiritual lives bear witness to the depth and breadth of holy imagination needed to wait on God.

(an excerpt from Silence and Other Surprising Invitations of Advent, 2012 Upper Room Books)

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