A New Format and Kind of Prayer

A New Format and Kind of Prayer July 26, 2023

I have been writing prayers and rituals for a really long time and with various spirits and Deities, including the Goddess Hel. Although each has varied in their content and rhythmic structure, they all had a similar flow to their development and delivery. Hel has decided to throw all of that out the window.

I have been working on a different kind of prayer with Her that encompasses a short version that is the spoken prayer, while having a long detailed version of the meaning behind it. It is a combination of Runes turned into Galdr, a story, and the tools / actions within it.

It is complicated to explain so I thought I would just share Her main one with you so you could see it. This is a prayer that can be used at the beginning of a journey with Her, whether new or going deeper.

From Seasons of the Witch – Mabon

Act of the Prayer

First, I would read the long written version – the Story behind the prayer. Understanding the journey you are undertaking with this and what lies behind the song.

Next you will sing and chant the Galdr (short form). This is the actual prayer that you use.

I personally use prayer beads with a 108 count, and do the full Galdr on each. You could also repeat it a few times to your morning drink before you consume it, infusing that energy into the waters, and carrying it within you throughout the day. These are just a couple of examples but do not be limited by them. Prayer, like everything else, is personal. Find your own way.

The first part is sung: Hĭn – BĭG – Y – ah

The second part is chanted: too-re-sauce ā-vŏs voon-yō kĕn-nŏz

my personal prayer beads – Find them here

Hel’s Prayer

Sing: Hĭn – BĭG – Y – ah


The Story Behind the Prayer:

When Storms rise, seek that which brings Hope.

You are the Tree at the center of the worlds,

growing as your perception grows.

– Awakening to new challenges!

Pause and listen, for the Old Gods are speaking to you.

Celebrate and honor Their presence,

Keep your mind, body, and home in order.

As the storm rages, maintain your foundations and trust in the partnership you have built,

Muster your courage and move forward!

Awareness beyond the physical, to hear and uncover your true power,

Born of Will and Focus.

Fire and Ice standing together in partnership,

Two sides of a whole.

Ice holding life, Fire releasing it – an endless cycle

In the Well we stand still in the ice – reflecting on the journey,

standing firm in our beliefs and Wisdom gained through Fire,

A deep awareness of yourself and all that surrounds you.

To defend your ideals, they must have been tested and put to trial.

To grow, some must go.

Everything falls away but the soul.

The Warrior and the Healer, for you are both.

The Survivor that holds deep wisdom,

Forged by trial and by training.

Relying on their strengths, and awareness of their weakness.


A Ruler who drinks in life and memory

Battle showed the cost and what is worthy of the cost.

The Tree that grows in reflection and presence of living.

our Guides are our Shields

Bringing protection and wealth if we build the Bond properly.

Yet Power can leave us in lonely spaces, a cost for every blessing.

The shadows of ancient lands calls to us – rising, uniting the seen and unseen!

Create new customs and ways – leaving “tradition” behind.

Follow the heart and bring out your inner strength,

You are changing from one state of being to another. (Transmutation)

Protections are layered, courage is harnessed, shifting shapes of ancient beasts,

Binding into the staff that carries you forward.

Accept the challenges and adventures ahead!


Roads of Choice.

Death is a fated moment, predetermined from the beginning.

When it comes, to the Well you go, to re-evaluate your conditions.

In life you carefully craft the ship that will carry you.

Trust the inner knowing, for the words you speak will shape it.

When storms try to sink it, flow instead of fight, you are protected.

Keep the strands of your sail tight, that which you have woven,

Do this, and your harvest will be bountiful.


A single piece of wood – your Staff, your Body.

Breath energy into the symbols you imbue into it, drawing on their power.

Follow the work to a logical conclusion and then release it into the world.

What you do here, will affect what comes next (in the Well).

There is a price, a cost, to unearthing secrets long since hidden,

a sacrifice willingly given.

Listen for the Wisdom in the stillness – in the ice.

Chant: too-re-sauce ā-vŏs voon-yō kĕn-nŏz


The Beginning

Look from various angles to create, evolve, and develop new technology, tools, and ways

In order to widen perspective, you must put an end to the beliefs of “traditional ways”

To protect from invaders, you possess all you need within you – Shield, Horn, Sword

Your Shield – Your Guides

Reach within, pull from source – Spirits, Ancestors, and Gods

Your Horn – Your Power

Your Voice, spoken words and song

Observe and analyze

Your Sword – Your Weapon

Power behind the Runes and their songs

You are being guided, dwell in the medicine that ignites and protects the soul


Thought and Memory are ours alone, and choices made from them shape our journey.

Events, knots tied along our thread, are in the hands of the fates, predetermined moments,

The choices made in those fated moments, is what shapes our destiny.

Find your motivation and take caution in the situations rising, for your actions will shape the outcome.

Your Protectors and Guides wait within Their Halls

Call to Them and Upon Them when needed.

That Which Drives Life:

Root: where we begin, what feeds our us, what grounds us

Torc: the promise and possibilities in front of us

Hammer: our strength, our determination, our Will

Tears: our sorrows, our pain, our loss

Feathers: Thought and Memory


Two roads to be traveled as one

Keep an open mind,

allowing old “truths” to fall away,

so new ones can be revealed

Find Yourself right where you are,

Be present and mindful of the now,

Who you are in this moment,

not that of the past or the one yet to come.


The Fire illuminates the shadows,

It is the power behind crafting,

Controlled fire, is Phoenix fire, holding death and life.

Alter between the dark and light,

moving back and forth,

standing in Partnership with both.

About Esa
Author, Medium, Seeker, Guide - Teacher through the Death's Emissary course. You are building your own path, your own connections, and shaping your own destiny. We can inspire others through sharing - we can Guide through our own experiences - but each of us must walk our own path. You can read more about the author here.

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